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Shadow on Concrete Wall


I draw upon my expertise in both law and psychology to consult with patients, attorneys and courts on various matters that arise at the intersection of the civil and criminal legal system and the field of clinical psychology.

Treatment in the Forensic Context

When patients' emotional difficulties are embedded in a complex legal situation, I am positioned to appreciate the emotional imiplications and impact that derive from the legal context.  


Forensic Evaluations, Reports and Testimony

I am available to assess, produce written reports, and testify as to psychological factors (e.g., emotional impact; motivation; injury; mitigating emotional considerations; treatment viability; treatment recommendations; prognosis) involved in varieties of civil and criminal legal cases, including personal injury, immigration, and criminal prosecution/defense.

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Copyright © 2023 Peter N. Maduro

An IAMTEEJAY / Wix Production

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