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Below find a few specific resources that I cherish when it comes to my psychoanalytic interest in investigating, understanding and conversing about emotional experience and its multifaceted relational contexts.  I have a great deal of respect for the folks whose perspectives are expressed in these websites. 

Round Library

Jacobs and Maduro on "Dignity"

See psychologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher Dr. Robert Stolorow's blog, entitled "Feeling, Relating, Existing", at Psychology Today on-line.


See also Dr. Stolorow's blog contributions to The Huffington Post.


For a more personal connection, you can find him on Facebook


There is no one I know who more ably and willingly turns towards the emotionally traumatic and tragic dimensions of human experience in order to see, understand, and be  --"dwell"--  with those kindred others he cares about who struggle in this realm.

George E. Atwood, Ph.D.

See psychologist and de facto psychoanalyst and philosopher Dr. George Atwood's website, replete with his own essays, biographies, as well as his and others' "deep thoughts," all delivered with his distinctively loving (I might add, a rather maternally loving), creative, devoted brilliance and generosity.  His writings are must reads.

Donna M. Orange, Ph.D., Psy.D.

See philosopher, psychologist, and psychoanalyst Dr. Donna Orange's rich website, chock full of her writings and notices of activities far and wide, all delivered in her deeply compassionate, warm, erudite spirit of welcome and hospitality.

Intersubjective-Systems Psychoanalytic Discussion Group

In addition, see the Facebook page for the "Intersubjective-Systems Psychoanalytic Discussion Group" (public group), home to an on-going conversation about human emotional life, and its multi-faceted contexts, largely from an "intersubjective-systems theory" perspective.  This psychoanalytic perspective is rooted in the theoretical framework that is one of the significant fruits of a long-standing (35+ years!) collaboration principally between and among Drs. Stolorow, Atwood, Orange, and the late Dr. Bernard Brandchaft.  (This Facebook page is facilitated by my lovely and brilliant colleague Penelope Starr-Karlin, Psy.D., LMFT.).

Towards an Emancipatory Psychoanalysis: Brandchaft's Intersubjective Vision

Note: hurry to for a copy of Dr. Brandchaft's immensely important book (co-authored with Drs. Dorienne Sorter and Shelley Doctors) "Towards an Emancipatory Psychoanalysis: Brandchaft's Intersubjective Vision":

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